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Introduction, The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Transatlantic Exchange (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2008), 1-12.  

“Walt Whitman and the Poetics of Reprinting,” in David Blake and Michael Robertson eds., Where the Future Becomes Present: Whitman and Leaves of Grass. (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2008), 37-58.

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“What is a Ballad? Reading for Genre, Format, and Medium,” forthcoming in Nineteenth-Century Literature, 70:2 (September 2016).

The Rise and Fall of Meter: Poetry and English National Culture, 1880-1920

“Bryant’s Romanticism,” in The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Trans-Atlantic Poetry, ed. Meredith McGill (Rutgers University Press, 2008).

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On Periodization

Dickinson’s Misery: A Theory of Lyric Reading

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