“Parody and Poetic Tradition: Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience,” Victorian Poetry vol. 46 no.4 (Winter 2008): 375-403.

Gilbert and Sullivan: Gender, Genre, Parody (Columbia, 2011)

“Parodies of the Pre-Raphaelite Ballad Refrain,” Nineteenth-Century Literature vol. 71 no. 2 (September 2016): 227-55.

A History of Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry. Co-edited with Jennifer Putzi. (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

“Floating Worlds: Émigré Poetry and British Culture,” ELH 81 (Spring 2014), 325-50.

Imagined Homelands: British Poetry in the Colonies (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017).

“Metrical Discipline: Algernon Swinburne on ‘The Flogging Block’.” In Algernon Charles Swinburne: Unofficial Laureate, ed. Catherine Maxwell and Stefano Evangelista (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013): 95-124.

“ ‘What is Historical Poetics?’ ” Modern Language Quarterly 77.1 (Winter 2016): 13-40.

“Poetry and Experience,” Raritan (Fall 2000), Vol. XX, Number 2., 126-135.

“Longfellow in His Time,” Chapter 11 of the Cambridge History of American Poetry, ed. Alfred Bendixon and Stephen Burt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)

“The Function of Criticism at the Present Time,” Los Angeles Review of Books, April, 2015

“American Romanticism, Again,” Studies in Romanticism 57.1 (September 2016)

On Periodization

Dickinson’s Misery: A Theory of Lyric Reading