A History of Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry. Co-edited with Jennifer Putzi. (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

Imagined Homelands: British Poetry in the Colonies (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017).

“Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and the Circuits of Abolitionist Poetry,” in Lara Langer Cohen and Jordan Stein, eds., Early African American Print Culture. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012), 53-74.

“The Poetry of Slavery,” in Ezra Tawil, ed. Cambridge Companion to Slavery in American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 115-136.

“Hemans and Home: Victorianism, Feminine ‘Internal Enemies,’ and the Domestication of National Identity.” PMLA 102 (March 1994).

“Hemans and Home: Victorianism, Feminine ‘Internal Enemies,’ and the Domestication of National Identity.” In Victorian Women Poets: A Critical Reader, ed. Angela Leighton. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

“Hemans and Her American Heirs.” In Women’s Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900, ed. Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain. St. Martins, 1999.  

“Receiving the Legend, Rethinking the Writer: Letitia Landon and the Poetess Tradition.” In Romanticism and Women Poets: Opening the Doors of Reception, edited by Harriet Kramer Linkin and Stephen C. Behrendt. University Press of Kentucky, 1999.

“Victorian Poetry and Patriotism.” In The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry. Ed. Joseph Bristow. Cambridge, 2000.

“New Criticism and New Classrooms: Teaching Felicia Hemans.” European Romantic Review 17 (2006).

“Bengal, Britain, France: The Locations and Translations of Toru Dutt.” Victorian Literature and Culture 34 (2006).

“Publishing and Reading ‘Our EBB’: Editorial Pedagogy, Contemporary Culture, and ‘The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point.’” Victorian Poetry 44 (2006).

“States of Exile.” In The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Transatlantic Exchange. Ed. Meredith McGill. Rutgers University Press, 2008.

Rudyard Kipling, Kim. A Longman Cultural Edition. Co-edited with Paula M. Krebs. Longman, 2011.

“The Locations and Dislocations of Toru and Aru Dutt.” In A History of Indian Poetry in English, ed. Rosinka Chaudhuri. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

The Political Poetess: Victorian Femininity, Race, and the Legacy of Separate Spheres. Princeton University Press, 2017.

“Editing America: Nationalism and the New Poetry.” Modernism/modernity 21.4 (2014): 899-918.

“The Poet as Poetess,” for The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Poetry, ed. Kerry Larson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011)

“Longfellow in His Time,” Chapter 11 of the Cambridge History of American Poetry, ed. Alfred Bendixon and Stephen Burt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)

“The Cadence of Consent: Francis Barton Gummere, Lyric Rhythm, and White Poetics,” forthcoming in Critical Rhythm, ed. Jonathan Culler and Ben Glaser (Fordham UP)

“Specters of the Ballad,” Nineteenth-Century Literature, 70:2 (September 2016).

On Periodization

Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780-1913: A Critical Anthology. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011. 397 pp.

Indian Angles: English Verse in Colonial India from Jones to Tagore. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011. 334 pp.

“Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Genres of Dialect.” African American Review 41.2 (2007): 247-57.

The Social Lives of Poems in Nineteenth-Century America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.

American Elegy: The Poetry of Mourning from the Puritans to Whitman (University of Minnesota Press, 2007)

“Emma Lazarus and the Golem of Liberty,” American Literary History 18.1 (2006), 1-28; expanded version in The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Transatlantic Exchange, ed. Meredith McGill (Rutgers University Press, 2008), 97-122

“Slavery and Its Metrics,” in The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Poetry, ed. Kerry Larson (Cambridge University Press, 2011), 94-112

“Introduction” and guest editor, “New Sitings and Soundings for Transnational Poetics,” J19: The Journal for 19th-Century Americanists 1.1 (2013)

“The Poetry of Phillis Wheatley in Slavery’s Recollective Economies, 1773 to the Present,” in Race, Ethnicity, and Publishing in America, ed. Cécile Cottenet (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 210-230