Dickinson Unbound: Paper, Process, Poetics (Oxford University Press, 2012).

“Managing Multiple Contexts: Dickinson, Genre, and the Circulation of Fascicle 1,” Dickinson’s Fascicles: A Spectrum of Possibilities. Eds. Paul Crumbley and Eleanor Heginbotham. Ohio State University Press (2014): 150-168.

“What Happens When We Don’t Read Ballads Closely Enough: The Cautionary Tale of the American Woman Poet and the Ballad. Nineteenth-Century Literature (Fall 2016).

“Making and Unmaking a Canon: American Women’s Poetry and the Nineteenth-Century Anthology,” A History of Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry. Eds. Jennifer Putzi and Alexandra Socarides. (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

A History of Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry. Co-edited with Jennifer Putzi. (Cambridge University Press, 2016).

“Consuming Dickinson.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers (forthcoming 2017)

The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition. Volume 7: Poetry. Co-edited with Michael Cohen. Gen. eds. Philip Barnard and Mark Kamrath. (Bucknell University Press, forthcoming 2018).

“Rhythmic Intimacy, Spasmodic Epistemology,” Victorian Poetry 42 (Winter 2004; special issue on Spasmodic Poetry and Poetics), 451-72.

Electric Meters: British Physiological Poetics (Ohio University Press, 2009).

“Floating Worlds: Émigré Poetry and British Culture,” ELH 81 (Spring 2014), 325-50.

“Colonial and Imperial Writing.” Written with Mary Ellis Gibson, The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women’s Writing, ed. Linda Peterson (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

Imagined Homelands: British Poetry in the Colonies (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017).

“Lyrical Studies” (with Virginia Jackson), Victorian Literature and Culture 27:2 (Fall 1999): 521-30.

“Metrical Translation: Nineteenth-Century Homers and the Hexameter Mania.” In Nation, Language and the Ethics of Translation, ed. Sandra Bermann and Michael Wood. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005): 229-56.

“Robert Browning, Transported by Meter.” In The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Transatlantic Exchange, ed. Meredith McGill (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2007): 205-30.

“‘Break, Break, Break’ into Song.” In Meter Matters: Verse Cultures of the Long Nineteenth Century, ed. Jason Hall (Columbus: Ohio University Press, 2011): 105-134.

“Poetess.” In The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, ed. Roland Greene et al (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012): 1051-54.

“ ‘What is Historical Poetics?’ ” Modern Language Quarterly 77.1 (Winter 2016): 13-40.

Ladies’ Greek: Victorian Translations of Tragedy

Victorian Sappho

Introduction, The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Transatlantic Exchange (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2008), 1-12.  

“Walt Whitman and the Poetics of Reprinting,” in David Blake and Michael Robertson eds., Where the Future Becomes Present: Whitman and Leaves of Grass. (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2008), 37-58.

“The Poetry of Slavery,” in Ezra Tawil, ed. Cambridge Companion to Slavery in American Literature (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 115-136.

“What is a Ballad? Reading for Genre, Format, and Medium,” forthcoming in Nineteenth-Century Literature, 70:2 (September 2016).

“Transvictorian: Poetics, Translation, English” Blackwell’s Literature Compass edited by  Reginia  Gagnier (Exeter), 9.5 (380-386)

“Alice Meynell” in The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Poetry, (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013) edited by Matthew Bevis, 579-590.

“’Imperfectly Civilized’: Ballads, Nations, and Histories of Form” ELH, 82.2, 345-363.

The Rise and Fall of Meter: Poetry and English National Culture, 1880-1920

The Political Poetess: Victorian Femininity, Race, and the Legacy of Separate Spheres. Princeton University Press, 2017.

“Dickinson Undone,” Raritan (Spring, 2005), Vol. XXIV, Number 4, 128-148.

“Transatlantic Bryant,” Introduction, special issue of Victorian Poetry on American Victorian Poetry 43:2 (Summer 2005).

“Longfellow in His Time,” Chapter 11 of the Cambridge History of American Poetry, ed. Alfred Bendixon and Stephen Burt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)

“American Victorian Poetry,” The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature, ed. Felluga et al (London: Wiley Blackwell, 2015)

“The Cadence of Consent: Francis Barton Gummere, Lyric Rhythm, and White Poetics,” forthcoming in Critical Rhythm, ed. Jonathan Culler and Ben Glaser (Fordham UP)

“American Romanticism, Again,” Studies in Romanticism 57.1 (September 2016)

“Specters of the Ballad,” Nineteenth-Century Literature, 70:2 (September 2016).

The Lyric Theory Reader

On Periodization

Dickinson’s Misery: A Theory of Lyric Reading

With Jason Rudy. “Colonial and Imperial Writing.” Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women’s Writing. Edited by Linda Peterson.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 189-205.

*“Representing the Nation: Poetics, Landscape, and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Culture.” Victorian Literature and Culture (1999): 337-52.

“The Criminal Body in Victorian Britain: The Case of The Ring and the Book.”  Browning Institute Studies 18 (1990): 67-88.

Anglophone Poetry in Colonial India, 1780-1913: A Critical Anthology. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011. 397 pp.

Indian Angles: English Verse in Colonial India from Jones to Tagore. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011. 334 pp.

“Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Genres of Dialect.” African American Review 41.2 (2007): 247-57.

“Getting Generic: An Introduction.” Special issue on transatlantic balladry and historical poetics, Nineteenth-Century Literature 71.2 (2016): 47-55.

The Poetry of Charles Brockden Brown. Vol. 7 of The Collected Writings of Charles Brockden Brown. Gen. eds. Philip Barnard and Mark Kamrath. Bucknell: Bucknell University Press. Forthcoming 2018.

The Social Lives of Poems in Nineteenth-Century America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.

“Audience Terminable and Interminable: Anne Gilchrist, Walt Whitman, and the Achievement of Disinhibited Reading,” Victorian Poetry 43.2 (2005), 249-61

“Emma Lazarus and the Golem of Liberty,” American Literary History 18.1 (2006), 1-28; expanded version in The Traffic in Poems: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Transatlantic Exchange, ed. Meredith McGill (Rutgers University Press, 2008), 97-122

“Slavery and Its Metrics,” in The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Poetry, ed. Kerry Larson (Cambridge University Press, 2011), 94-112

“Introduction” and guest editor, “New Sitings and Soundings for Transnational Poetics,” J19: The Journal for 19th-Century Americanists 1.1 (2013)

Epic Reinvented: Ezra Pound and the Victorians. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995. 240 pp.

“Clericus and the Lunatick,” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 107.3 (2013), 367-76

“The Poetry of Phillis Wheatley in Slavery’s Recollective Economies, 1773 to the Present,” in Race, Ethnicity, and Publishing in America, ed. Cécile Cottenet (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 210-230