Max Cavitch is Associate Professor of English, Comparative Literature, and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.  His first book was American Elegy: The Poetry of Mourning from the Puritans to Whitman  (University of Minnesota Press, 2007).  He is presently completing a psychopoetic study of the life and writings (chiefly verse) of Richard Nisbett, an Anglo-American slaveholder-turned-asylum-patient.  His essays in a variety of fields have appeared in such journals as American Literary History,  American Literature,  Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Early American Literature, Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, Senses of Cinema, Screen, and Victorian Poetry.  Books in progress include: Interloping: Tales of Interspecies Mediality (a preliminary chapter of which,  “Curbside Quarantine,” has been published in Postmodern Culture) and Fido and Psyche: Dogs in Psychoanalysis.  He is co-editor of the book series Early American Studies  (University of Pennsylvania Press); member of the Advisory and Executive Councils of the McNeil Center for Early American Studies; consortium member of the Project on Bioethics, Sexuality, and Gender Identity in the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy; member of the collaboration committee of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania Department of Psychiatry; and one of the founding faculty members of the Undergraduate Minor in Psychoanalytic Studies.  More information can be found at his Web site.
